Bhagwat Gita helps in Stress Management

अर्जुन उवाच |

दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम् || 28||
सीदन्ति मम गात्राणि मुखं च परिशुष्यति 

This Shloka in Bhagwat Gita denotes the stress that Arjun experienced in the battlefield. Arjuna experienced certain symptoms of stress as follows:

Limbs-Quivering, Mouth -Drying up, Whole body-Trembling, Hair-Standing on end, Skin-Burning, Legs- Unable to stand, Mind-Reeling. Such symptoms we also come across in our day-to-day situation also, particularly when we are under stress. All these stress happens due to three types of miseries pertaining to the very cause of stress. THESE ARE

1. Adhibhautika-miseries pertaining to the body and soul

2. Adhidevik- miseries inflicted naturally like natural calamities

3. Adhyatmika-miseries pertaining to the difficulty imposed by society, community, etc.

In business and real life, we come across certain situations where we get disillusioned and in a confused state. All this happens due to a material conception of life and excessive attachment of material things puts a man in a bewildering condition of existence. As like Arjuna decide not to fight due to compassion, fear, loss of enjoyment, we human entities also behave like the same. Now the question arises how can we control stress, so Bhagwat Gita gives tips to control the stress.

1. Be Yourself

2. Engage your senses in good or pious activities

3. Be an integrated personality

4. Read spiritual books and have faith in the Supreme God

5. Do Prayanam and meditation

Most important: Do Perform the duties without results

Dr. Pawan


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